Pasta = life en soms ook kunst: 8 foto's van pastakunstwerken

Eten en kunst. Twee van de betere dingen in het leven. Zeker als het gecombineerd wordt.


Met pasta kun je allerlei fantastische gerechten maken, maar ook kunstwerken. Of nou ja, de mensen achter het Instagram-account Salty Seattle kunnen dat in ieder geval. Het resultaat ziet eruit om op te eten, maar ja dat is eigenlijk wel vet zonde.

1) Meisje met de spaghetti-oorbel?

2) De Spaghetti-nacht

3) Flour power

4) Bananen waren nog nooit zo lekker

5) Banksy als pasta

6) Ja, Baby Yoda is kunst.

7) Mini pasta-hoedjes

8) Mondriaan-ravioli

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram

Pasta du Mond(rian). I’ve become fascinated by artist Piet Mondrian recently. Two observations: 😷 Mondrian contracted the Spanish Flu during the last great global quarantine in 1918. He had it for months, but was able to continue to work on his paintings in his studio. He said of this period, “while I have had the flu I have noticed how concentrated one unwillingly becomes, and that the work is the better for it.” 🤔 🎨 He also seems to have had a love-hate relationship with food. Biographers say he was austerely aligned with his Dutch roots with regards to simple meals he prepared at home, living on currants & thin, vegetable soups. He followed the Haye diet (which he argued wasn’t a diet but scientific dietetics). He said about it “meat, eggs and fish do not combine with potatoes or farinaceous foods." So fad diets have been a thing for at least a century- move over keto paleo practitioners 😂. Yet he loved to go out for lavish meals, both during his Paris & New York phases. I wonder what his ravioli filling choice would have been- certainly not meat, since pasta is the ultimate farinaceous food. #Mondrian

Een bericht gedeeld door Linda Miller Nicholson (@saltyseattle) op

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  • SaltySeattle